Qassim: Protecting the mosques and reconstructing them is a legitimate duty

People cannot waive the sanctity of an inch or even less than inch if it belongs to our ancient mosques.
Ayatollah Isa Qassim: Protecting the mosques and reconstructing them is a legitimate duty.

The second Friday sermon – political – (548) on 5 April 2013 | Mosque Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) in Duraz.


Unforgettable martyr

It is the martyr “Sayyed Mohammed Baqir Al Saddr“. He is the martyr of Islam as well as the martyr of the nation, freedom, pride, glory, and dignity.

The nation which forgets the martyr Al Saddr only proves its lack of awareness, poor memory, lack of loyalty and sincerity and proves as well the lack of appreciation for the knowledge, faith, Jihad, courage, redemption, sacrifice, and heroism.

This man lived his life for the religion and was martyred for the sake of it. He chose the path of martyrdom due to his knowledge of this path as he was stable on it, patient on its cost, infatuated with meeting God as all his stances prove. Out of religion, Al Saddr lived his life for the sake of his nation and sacrificed his blood for the sake of its dignity and freedom.

It is the right of the martyr Al Saddr to be commemorated by not only one sect. Since he lived his life for the sake of the entire nation and for the nation’s thought, issues, religion, renaissance, and highness, it is the nation’s duty to show its pride in him and honor him, as it is a way to prove its pride in itself and in him.

Since he also lived the concerns of the humanity and adhered to it, the humanitarian community must acknowledge his openness, dedication, and loyalty. 

Commemorating the Martyrdom of Al Sadder by the whole nation is a celebration of deep faith which proves the perspicacious Islamic insight, the excessive creative scientific ability, the pure spirit of humanity, the flowing sociable sense, deep feeling of others, and glowing decent noble emotions. This commemoration also proves a stubborn confrontation to the violent tyranny that does not know mercy or limits of aggression. This commemoration is also a celebration of the soul which sacrifices excessively and which is not reluctant to sacrifice anything for Allah. This commemoration is a celebration of a distant future vision and patience that teaches the nation the meaning of resilience.

This man is considered one of the rare treasures which our nation possesses and which our time rarely provides. He is a case that rarely has equivalents.

One of Al Sayyed’s heroic and apostolic stances, at the level of the spirit, is his overwhelming joy for the victory of Islam in Iran as he put his potentials humbly at the hands of the triumphant faithful leadership there, which achieved the victory and led the Islamic country to the shore of safety.

God’s mercy on the great martyr and May God raise his stature in Heaven.


Mosques demolishing

The anniversary of mosques demolishing in Bahrain at the hands of the authority is a painful memory to the depths. As painful as it is, it’s also scandalous, shameful, and dishonorable. Its badness will not be washed by the passage of days and its shame will not be erased by the time. The pain flames, the shame increases, the scandal doubles, and the dishonor intensifies when the religion is still resisted and when the sanctity of God’s Houses is still disregarded. Consequently, the return of the mosques is delayed as the right of some mosques is forfeited while the other sites of the mosques are disputed on.

It’s honoring that people remain on solid defense for the sanctity of the mosques, insist on their re-architecture at the material and moral levels, maintain their positions and holy religious functions, and insist on their survival since God wanted these mosques to radiate with guidance, raise the banner of theism, uphold faith, call for the good, enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil, unit the nation, defend Islam, and uphold the right and deny the falsehood.

Our people, who are Muslims and believers, cannot waive one inch or less of even one mosque that belongs to this ancient country, which has a heritage in the faith. The mind of this people cannot accept to neglect the matter of the mosques neither their memory can forget this matter nor people’s jealousy allows them to forget this matter, nor their ambition allows them to tolerate in this matter, and nor their determination makes them turn away from it.

Protecting the mosques through reconstructing them, praying and reciting Quraan in them and worshipping God Almighty alone without associating others with Him and obeying God – as there is no argument in this –  in the mosques is a legitimate duty that people realize its sacredness and appreciate its sanctity as people will not abandon their responsibility towards the mosques nor accept to compromise on them and nor to allow time to erase the mosques from their memories.

The insistence of our brothers the clerks and the religious students, who are respected and jealous on their religion, plus those masses of this believing and strong people who follow them, on performing the Jamaa’ah prayers, challenging the hot and cold circumstances plus the security’s circumstances, indicates the strong faith and the religious jealousy and shows the stable insistence on performing this duty and fulfilling the right of Islam and sanctity of mosques.

Blessed, O people of faith and guidance, determination and insistence on the right./


Bahrain Overnight

The authority in Bahrain, their supporters, and the opposition all recognize that there is a crisis in Bahrain and there is behind the crisis an imbalance in the situation that needs to be corrected. All of them, according to their statements, want Bahrain to be out of the crisis overnight, to get rid of its crisis, to live with comfort, confidence, and prosperity, to be rich with the active, constructive, and positive movement which all the tracks need for development.

The important question is: When is Bahrain’s night and when is Bahrain’s morning? Which things represent Bahrain’s night and which things represent Bahrain’s morning? Which trend or direction or stance calls for the night of intensity, darkness, wandering, loss, gloom, despair, danger, and the frightening expectations?

Which trend or direction or stance calls for the morning of comfort, light, reason, guidance, hope, happy results, and promising future?

There is a trend, direction, stance that calls and insists on keeping the problematic Constitution the same. It insists that the isolated people remain isolated and away from taking decisions and choosing the ones who take the decisions. It insists that the isolated people remain isolated from legislation or intervening in choosing whom have this right, isolated from execution or expressing opinions on who is supposed to have this authority, and isolated from judiciary or expressing who is supposed to hand this authority. This trend insists that election process remains sham, leads to inevitable result, keeps the situation of controlling and absolute authoritarian in an effective way, insists that people’s role is obedience and acceptance, subjection, and receiving tyrant commands and prohibitions.

This trend indicates that people remain without opinions at all or without real opinions about the authorities of legislation, execution, and judiciary, and out of the political process waiting the orders to respond quickly like the slaves. In this trend, ten or twenty electoral votes from one side are equivalent to one vote from the other side. In this trend, the discrimination among the citizens is on the basis of the political loyalty to the authority. This loyalty represents the scale which rules who can reach out the positions that controlled by the hand of the state, without taking in consideration the efficiency, honesty, and devotion to the homeland.

In this trend, the free speech and opinions demanding reform are punished, the marches and sit-ins and any gathering objecting the injustice is are punished with the extreme cruelty, severity, and the worst kinds of abuse. Thus, on this road martyr falls after another, the masses get preoccupied with martyr’s farewell, oppressed after another oppressed, and tormented after tormented. In this trend, there is tyranny, oppression, and crushing dignity. People get suffocated, wounded, and killed even in the funeral of a martyr and the last day of mourning at the hands of the security forces.

 It is noteworthy that it did not pass a long time since the people’s farewell for Al Rais who joins long series of martyrs and oppressed, a serious that is radiated with them. However, when the series gets longer, the situation will be more complicated as errors will be doubled; the ordeal will be intensified, exits will be narrowed, people will be pushed to be more determined to continue the road.

This is a trend, direction, and stance. On the other hand, the other trend goes for the real reform that will gain the satisfaction of people and will be compatible with the solution people end with, and this will meet the requirements of the phase. This will also rescue the homeland and corrects the roles of people and government in their current relationship as this relationship is devoid of any required balance and away from the scales of rights and justice and away the recognition of people’s value and rights which our era reached to.

This second trend or direction or stance confronts the crisis with a solution that demands boldness and courage from the authority and the ones who are benefiting from the bad current state of the political situation. This solution demands courage from them as it confronts the desires of the absolute power and domination, spirit of exclusivity, and marginalizing the other.

This trend goes for a solution as close as possible to the justice, fairness, and equality among citizens on the basis of their joint citizenship, without factors other than experience, competence, integrity, and dedication in serving the homeland, away from the factional, sectarian, and family accounts, away from the accounts of political loyalty and personal interests which represent the only scale in the current unfair situation.

And we repeat the question again here..

Which trend represents the solution? Which stance is good for the homeland? Which direction involves Bahrain’s morning? Which opinion keeps Bahrain’s night eternal? Which opinion destroys the hope of getting out from the horrific and dark tunnel? Which direction leads Bahrain to overlook the dawn and explosion of light?

You have a religion, mind, conscience, experience, and encroachment, through which you can decide which opinion represents the justice and which one is the unfair.

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family, and forgive us and our faithful men and women, forgive us as you are the Merciful, We ask you God not to make us follow an opinion that is contrary to the truth, not to say a word that does not satisfy you, not to have tendency of injustice, not to follow attitude inspired by desires. O Merciful and Generous.

God be merciful our martyrs and our dead, and have mercy on your slave “Abdul Ghani Hassan Al Rais” and his sons, We ask you God to heal our wounded and our patients, and relieve our prisoners and bring back our refugee in safety and


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