Ayatollah Qassim’s statement on the crime of burning the Qur’an in Sweden – January 24, 2023

In the name of God the most Merciful
The burning of a copy of the Holy Qur’an at the hands of the extremist in his ignorance, hatred, and arrogance -called “Rasmus Paludan”- under the protection of the Swedish police is not only a personal crime, but a state crime that confirms the baseness of both parties. And so are all the crimes of this kind that are committed by the medieval policy in Europe & anywhere else.
If these crimes, blatant encroachment on religious sanctities and provocation of sedition occur – under the pretext of freedom – then it is extreme stupidity as these Westerns believe that they have absolute freedom like animals or like absolute unjust master who has no morals or wisdom.
The common belief that the rhetoric of insult, slander, and transgression against the sanctities is matter of freedom that one should enjoy is a lie, a fallacy, a deception, and contrary to what [Westerners] believe and practice.
Otherwise, how could they combat anti-Semitism? How do they condemn those who deny the so-called “Nazi Holocaust”? And how do they blast those who burn the [LGBT] flag? Dose not this limit personal freedom & suppress it?!
The repeated insult to Islamic sanctities in the West -in an ugly public provocative way, in front of the nation of a billion people and more, under the silence, even complicity and guarding of Western governments- reveals a bad intention to spread chaos & threat global security.
The wise peoples of the world must stand up to this aggressive, satanic trend – which spreads the state of terrorism in the widest range, and in the most dangerous form – and unanimously denounce it in accordance with what is acceptable to religion and conscience, and in a manner that guarantees the safety of the world.
Isa Ahmed Qassem