The political part of Ayatollah Shaikh Issa Qassim’s Friday Sermon 26th October 2012.

The right approach is to assist the homeland to overcome the ongoing political crisis. It is through adopting serious reforms and heading towards justice. There is a need to listen to Islam, wisdom and rational calls, to abandon all the destructive calls from the devil.
With what? Against what?
If somebody asks, the clear and honest answer will be that we are with the demands of reforms which are considered an ultimate necessity that we will never be abandon.
Of course, we are with the peaceful approach. It is the easiest, less harmful and more appropriate way for the homeland to achieve legitimate reform demands. This is the opposition’s point view as well, and it meets with the Islamic, humanitarian and national brotherhood.
We are with the respect of every person and resident. We’re with having equal rights and duties to all citizens.
We are with swift undertaking of reforms without any delays or unreal obstacles.
We are against inciting hatred among the people of Bahrain.
We are against brutality and bloodshed.
We strongly condemn and reject all criminal acts that are proved by a legitimated evidence according to the Islamic Sharia. The case should be kept open until the evidence is proved or denied.
As we are Muslims, proving any incidents should be through the Sharia evidence.
We reject any kind of discrimination between different blood. The official or the popular, for us, both bloods are not classified based on being valuable or cheap blood. Such classification does not exist in the Sharia laws. Islam pays high respect to the human blood with no discrimination.
It is so obvious that the authorities are not fair in their treatment to the peoples blood. Many citizens have been killed in the regime’s custody; where they were tortured to death. Others were abducted and then cold-bloodedly killed. Some were shot dead by live ammunition. It is very easy for the authorities to arrest those who perpetrated all these murders and crimes… a large number have been martyred.
It happens that a policeman is killed, whose blood is values the same as any other person. On the contrary , however, the authorities do not react responsively to any case of murder among the people. Unserious investigations were conducted in which murderers enjoy acquittals and impunity. Outrageously, the people found that none of the criminals were held accountable.
When a policeman is killed, state of war is declared. The regime accusations are distributed and many residential areas are besieged. Violating investigation methods are, also, conducted to obtain coerced confessions as required; and such violations have already been documented in the BICI report.
The security cordon which was besieging Al-Eker is just a clear example of how the regime dehumanizes the people’s blood and highly appreciates the policemen’s. The regime considers the people’s blood of no value, while the policeman’s blood leads to collective unlawful punishment and dark days of punitive acts and arbitrary arrests.
This brutal siege against a whole area, is extrajudicial and against the benefits of the homeland.
The right approach is to assist the homeland to overcome the ongoing political crisis. It is through adopting serious reforms and heading towards justice. There is a need to listen to Islam, wisdom and rational calls, to abandon all the destructive calls from the devil.
There is only one way out of the crisis. It is the way of the swift inclusive serious reform that can produce an efficient solution.