Qassim: It’s not Wise to give what you are Required to give only after Massacres and Bloodshed

The regime of the Arab movements hoped to break the will of the people and spread despair of reform in its infancy.
Ayatollah Qassim: It’s not Wise to give what you are Required to give only after Massacres and Bloodshed

The second Friday sermon – political – [559] 4 Sha’aban 1434 H / 14 June 2013 Mosque Imam Sadiq / Alduraz.


Lost experiences:

Memorizing experiences to consider and absorb their lessons is an essential wisdom and its loss is fatal. Experimentation is the right method of learning, and information taken from experience is rather concentrated and steady in mind.

Experiences differ in complexity and simplicity; some of them provide stark testimony clearly in front of the sense and without efforts and those are taken from life’s filled events.

The example of these experiences is outcomes of the Arab movements over the previous two years in addition to the undeniable facts and their repercussions and results.

The language of these events united, as well as its logic in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Yemen, where the movement in these examples began with a relatively modest ceiling of demands and reform, using the peaceful manner. None of the mentioned countries regimes listened to their people, but the movement was met with disregard, contempt, disdain, mistrust and abuse to the masses. Furthermore, they used strict punishment, reckless cruelty, murder, persecution, harassment, torture, misleading media and the employment of the country’s wealth in intimidation and abuse.

The regimes were hoping from all of this, to break the will of the people and erase any hopes of reform and change till they surrender to a forced state of injustice, crushed freedom and dignity, vile living, shame and humiliation.

None of the regimes’ crazy attempts worked. However, peoples’ reaction was movement’s intensification, the massive flow on the streets in front of lethal and destructive means with naked chests and high fists that expressed their insistence, pride, dignity and spirit of redemption and sacrifice.

The masses were enraged, the conviction of the need to change was reinforced, the spirit of determination and persistence escalated and the ceiling of demands rose, and it’s found that a group of people from those experiences found themselves forced to enter into an unequal battle of violence versus violence, which harmed everyone.

Afterwards, the regimes stared giving peoples more than what they once refused to even consider. As a result, people’s refusal came after they tasted the regimes’ cruelty and intransigence, and also came their insistence on high ceilings, which reached toppling the regimes not to mention this has been achieved for many.

These are live experiences, and scenes from reality. They are greater than any mean of illustration, and do not need to be taught or dictated; neither have they lacked the philosophical mentality or thought that is familiar to scrutiny. All of this is seen by the people as well as the regimes. So what blinds many regimes and forbid them from taking advantage of all these lessons in order to arrange the impact of these results?

The governments are not stupid and they also are rich with political analysts, experts, and specialists. Moreover, they are rich with information and keen on registering them. Furthermore, those experiences’ outcomes do not need any of that because of their clarity, recurrence, and time convergence, not to mention the rest of the regimes’ environments were not different from the neighboring ones.

However, one thing disables the regimes and governments from understanding and makes them blindness to see the facts, which is arrogance and Crazy infatuation with absolute power, pride in sin and the spirit of superiority.

Hence, most regimes do not give even a little bit of others’ rights unless they were at maximum degree of being forced to provide these rights. Let us see when Pharaoh came to believe, and surrender to God’s command!! It was when he experienced torment, and was surrounded by fate and couldn’t escape. Few of the ruling regimes came to realize the danger of the situation at its beginning and tried to solve it with as little concessions as possible under the slogan of care and interest in people.

The regimes should have learned from the repeated experiences that reform might be a solution at a time, and might not work at another time, and that the excessive use of force does not work, and the people demands ceilings get raised by the intense cruelty, the length of waiting and the despair of the benefit of the little that the government see as too much. Moreover, it is not wise to give people later after massacres, bloodshed, and catastrophic losses of the homelands, what you are supposed to give them today because this will not be satisfying then.

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