Ayatollah Qassim: The intervention of the Gulf armies supported the injustice

It is not known whether armies got the message of people’s resistance!
Ayatollah Isa Qassim: The intervention of the Gulf armies supported the injustice..
The second part of Friday prayers Sermon for Ayatollah Isa Ahmed Qassim, (Imam of the Grand Mosque in Duraz (on March  15th 2013.


It was a bad day..

According to all the religious, intellectual, rational, humanitarian, and legal standards … Bahrain’s people has been never, in their relationship with the authority, the oppressor but always the oppressed. This relation has been like that and still is the same.

This political and reform movement has never stemmed from the injustice neither ego nor arrogance nor corruption. This movement came due to the harsh suffering, marginalization, discrimination, extortion, neglect of people’s rights, and corruption with its different kinds like the political, economic, administrative, moral, and others.

People’s movement has come, and still, due to the urgent need and the extreme necessity of reform, saving the nation, stopping the deterioration, and correcting things before the collapse.

If the people had been the oppressors … if their movement had aimed corruption, the intervention of the Gulf armies – which entered Bahrain to confront its people – would have been for a reason. Their presence in Bahrain, until now, would have been for a reason too.

We say that they are here to confront people as the occasion of their arrival is the political popular movement. When the movement started, groups from the Gulf army began arriving Bahrain.

Since the oppressor is always denied and condemned by the Islamic understanding, language of conscience, norms of rationality, all good Sunan, language of rights … and since all these resources uphold the oppressed, the Gulf’s policy and its armies were supposed to condemn the injustice of the authority toward its people and support the people through providing the advice to the authority in a way that stops it from practicing the injustice, hurting the people, and marginalizing them. This advice was supposed to save the whole country with its all components from the ravages and the loss. This advice was supposed to rescue the region from all the bad extensions of the conflict and strife that Bahrain is sinking in.

However, the political Gulf stance was the opposite. The intervention of the Gulf armies came to support the unfair authority’s stance toward its people before the movement and after it. Therefore, the day of the armies’ intervention came to be a clash with the standards of the religion, reason, custom, and fair laws. The day of the intervention was a shock to the humanitarian and Arab conscience because of how it affected the crisis in this Muslim country and how it doubled the losses that harmed the country. This day was a dark black grim day in the history of Bahrain, region, and the nation.

This day will remain a proof that indicates and condemns the policy in the region, this policy within which came an error in judgment, consensus on injustice, imbalance that is away from all the standards, defect in the intention, distance from all the values that govern all things in the this Muslim region.

This day requires a swift retreat from its mistake, sin, and dishonor. Such retreat will bring reform and good. This is what our straight religion imposes and this is what our people demand and achieve the interests of everyone.

Stop the Bleeding..

This long plight and bleeding have been bad enough for this homeland. The losses, which are expanding and getting more every day, have been bad enough for this homeland.

This black sedition, this scorching deadly fire, these pains which are extending and deepening more, and these threatening grudges have all been bad enough for the homeland.

The continuation of the injustice, choosing the oppression language, insisting on exclusivity, and attempting to oppress the fair and free voices will only make the situation worse, inflame the atmosphere, destroy the homeland and sink its ship.

The more the injustice, oppression, exclusivity, confronting the calls for rights and justice remain in the homeland, the more the ship will get away from the shore of safety and the closer it will get to the midst of the death and drowning.

Neither of the sham dialogue nor the witty political procrastination the sham solutions nor sweet promises nor the direct and indirect threats the exercise of violence on the ground nor the fall of martyrs nor the high increase of the prisoners’ number will rescue the situation.

The policy of marginalizing people more because they only refused it is not a solution. The policy of doubling the exclusion of people only because people complained from it is not a solution. The policy of expanding and deepening the discrimination because it annoyed people previously, is not a solution.  

When people roared against the religious pressure and the moral corruption, the authority doubled both of them as a policy. Such policy is not a solution.

When the fearful people demanded security, the authority doubled their fear. When the insulted people ask for their dignity, the authority double their insults against them. When the poor people ask the authority to get them out of the humiliation of poverty, the authority adopts the policy of doubling their poverty. Such policies are not the solutions.

All the reactions of the authority were to double and complicate the people’s problems which consequently pained people more and more.

The movement of people aimed to get out from the suffocating problems, correct the bad situations, get rid of the tyrannical grievances and humiliation, and to retrieve the citizen’s value which have been stolen. The authority’s response for the people’s movement was to imprison people, kill them, and dismiss them from the jobs and universities and schools. The authority’s answer for the movement was to intensify the religious and humanitarian insults, attack the holy sites, neglect the freedoms, spread the atmosphere of fear, and adopt different colors of punishment and torture.

This was the solution in the eyes of the authority.

It is not known exactly if the authority got the message of how Bahraini people are resilient – which have been proved through their sacrifices, patience, composure, and their faith in the justice of their rights and case, and it is not known exactly if this message persuaded the authority of its wrong solution that it chose solve the problem with the way it wants?!

How tired both of the authority and people will be and how both of them will lose if the authority is not persuaded that it chose the wrong solution for the problem and if it is not convinced that there is a necessity for the solution of the reform which people must accept – noting that no any solution is called a reform.

The solution does not require a deep though nor a difficult philosophy nor dialogues nor importing expertise nor experiences to reach the solution. The reform does not need all these things. The solution is in the hand of the one party which is the authority. The solution depends on the good intention that will produce a serious political reform will and lead to a reform formula. Such formula will be consistent with the will of people and their approval that will be achieved through a free and fair referendum which will guarantee people’s freedom and integrity.

If the dialogue is a political method to achieve the real reform, it will be a rational thing to do providing that this dialogue must achieve its function and purpose. However, this is contrary to the scheme of the current dialogue and its course.

Does anyone wish that this homeland remains in its misfortune and torment even for one day? Does any wish that there is a distance between the citizens of the homeland? Does anyone wish that some Muslims do not accept the other Muslims as Muslims? Does anyone wish that sense is not accepted anymore from the sensible people? Or the national jealousy is not accepted anymore from those who feel jealous about their countries? Does anyone wish that no word or stance or step to be taken against the disruption of the solution which causes losses and tragedy to the homeland?

We say with all our seriousness and through religious, humanitarian, and national view: stop the bloodshed and stop the bleeding of money, religion, relationships, dignity, and the values.  Adopt the serious reform that meets the necessities of this phase and people’s satisfaction. This kind of reform is the solution and no solution other than this.

There are three paths dominated by evil, injustice, and abuse which harm people and provoke them and lead the nation to a greater disaster. These paths are the political, the security, and the human rights. There has been unfair, massive, official, practical and legislative media that feeds and intensify and activate the injustice in all these paths.

The need for the reform in the three paths is urgent and doesn’t accept postponement. Any delay or postponement or circumventing on the real reform will sacrifice the nation and its components and lead to swift destructive results for our homeland that everyone should be careful from.

The reform of the three paths is a responsibility that the authority must take. This reform depends on whether the authority changes its view of people and whether it realizes their humanity, dignity, freedom, and citizenship – as it is mentioned in the Charter that people is the source of all the powers.


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